Author Archives: frendy222

Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction (Project’s Report)

Project Report

Team Members :
Ivan Ezechial Suratno     2101693920
David Honasan                 2101693933
Frendy Bodhi Susanto     2101693883

Game’s Name : “Cellmunity” – Human Cell on Immunity
Theme : Biology (Human Immunity)

Publish Game :

Project Focus :
In this project, we are needed to focus on the UI (User Interface) so we need to make the game as comfortable as possible for the user. We used 8 golden rules as the basic for the UI.


Game Description: 

In this game, Cellmunity, we are trying to make more like a simulation game where the player need to ensure that the body is healthy. Although this is a simulation game, this game is also like an arcade game or more like survival game. In the game, we need the player to control the white blood cell to kill the bacteria by engulfing.


Education :

In the game, people can get to know how bacteria and our white blood cell work, that is by engulfing, and in glossary, the player can get to know types of bacteria that are commonly around us. Other than that, they also can get to know more about their own white blood cell types as we use 4 type of cell.

The picture used for the sprite are mostly resemble what that are in the real life but more animated for easy display and easily known by the player.